Located in the center of the Margalla Hills, in the north of the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad Daman-e-Koh is a dream location for nature lovers. It is a hilltop garden and has always remained a center of attraction for both the inhabitants and the tourists. Daman-e-Koh is a combination of two Persian words, which translates in English to foothills. It stands 2400ft over sea level.

 Visitors love the fact that from Daman-e-Koh a bird’s eye view of Islamabad can be enjoyed which includes Faisal Mosque, recently constructed Seventh Avenue as well as Rawal Lake. Telescopes are also available for looking at the exuberant view. If you go at night time then you can see the lit-up city, which is a sight you will never forget. Snack items and a playing area for children is available here, which makes this place a great picnic point for families. Everything is quite reasonable. There are a few restaurants and their food is a treat to the taste buds. A very famous restaurant Monal is also located at Daman-e-Koh which is known for its services and tempting dishes. Here a variety of animals and birds can be seen specifically monkeys in the winter season, which are another source of entertainment for the children.

Accommodation nearby includes Islamabad Marriott Hotel with a price rate of about 73 US Dollars, Islamabad Serena Hotel with a price rate of about 160 US Dollars, although prices may vary. So, if you are fond of nature, then visiting Daman-e-Koh, is strongly recommended. The breathtaking view of the hilly and green landscape, the peaceful atmosphere, getting to see an aerial view of the beautiful capital city, Islamabad is what you can look forward to when visiting Daman-e-Koh.

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