Langar Lake is also known as Baha Lake. It is situated in Koh-i-Ghizer in the Ghizer District of the Gilgit Baltistan region. It is at a height of about 11,883 feet above sea level. To reach Baha Lake, you can take a flight from Islamabad to Gilgit which charges around 100 US Dollars. From Gilgit, take the Gilgit to Chitral road which is west of Gilgit. And upon reaching Chitral, you will be headed towards Langar. It will take approximately two hours to arrive at Baha Lake from Langar. Upon reaching Baha Lake you will be mesmerized by the beauty this lake holds.
The water in this lake is sky blue and cold. This lake is said to be the longest lake in Gilgit Baltistan. Its length is approximately 5 km and breadth is almost 750 meters. This lake is home to many trout fish which is a major attraction for people who are interested in fishing. Other recreational activities include boating and camping. It is a mysterious lake that makes a sound at night which might be the sound of stones or the presence of a gigantic trout. Although, it is a natural phenomenon it leaves the visitors curious.
Recommended hotels near Baha Lake are Shandur Paradise Hotel, Yasin View Hotel, and The Metropolitan Gilgit-Ghizer Branch. Hence, if you want to spend a day close to nature, away from the worries of city life then, paying a visit to Langar Lake will be a great idea.
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